This morning, around 10-ish, I was fast asleep when I was awoken by loud knocking on the front door. I love to sleep. When I'm asleep I pass out into a deep slumber that's hard to get me out of, so it literally took three minutes of continuous pounding to get me up, and I was not happy. I pulled myself out of bed and shuffled over to the door, only to find a young police officer (complete with a red band around his arm) and a middle-aged man (smoking like a chimney) waiting outside for me. I'm groggy but these guys look a bit serious, so in the best Chinese I can muster I ask what they want. They start questioning me about how long I've been in China and when I'll be leaving, but because I was still sleepy I misunderstood the questions and thought he was asking when we'd be leaving the apartment for the day. So I answer that we'll be gone in maybe two hours. This reply confused them and both people started speaking so quickly I had no idea what was going on. I had to call a friend on the phone, who was able to get them to leave. It turns out they were checking to confirm that I had registered with the police and had a valid residency permit. I have a few questions though: if they were the police, why wouldn't they just check up on their files and see that we were registered? Once my friend told them we were already registered, they didn't ask to see the permits themselves, they just left. Also, if they didn't have the files on hand, how the hell did they know where I lived? It's all very suspicious if you ask me, but they left so hopefully nothing more will come out of this!
As a side note, I'm glad people are finally starting to question all ages of those Chinese children,

who are so clearly under aged its not even funny. If these girls are honestly has old as they say they are, then China must be a pedophiles paradise because they all look like 6th graders. It's not just limited to the gymnasts though- I saw a diver the other day that could not have been older than 12 years old. Creepy.
Finally, one other Olympic tidbit I've found interesting. Back in America, we have always ranked the countries by order of their total medal count. This makes sense to me. If country A wins 12 total medals but no golds, and country B wins only one gold medal and gets nothing else, shouldn't country A be ranked higher? Not according to the Chinese, who have everything ranked by the number of gold medals won. Why? Well obviously because that would put the Chinese in 1st place by a healthy sum.
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