Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Bei Bei Can Shoot Lasers From Her Head

So the Olympic games finally ended the other day, and while it is kind of sad not seeing Olympic coverage 24/7, that doesn't mean the Olympics are gone forever. In fact, there are some people who just can't seem to give up any chance they have to show off their remaining Olympic spirit! For some reason, even though Olympic events are over, I keep seeing people walking around with their official Olympic ID tags around their neck, acting like they are the hottest shit in town. It would really annoy me how much these people would flaunt in public that they work for the IOC and have permission to enter venues without tickets, but I didn't make a big deal of it while the Olympics were taking place since it was technically their time to shine. But now that the Olympics are over its just pathetic. I'm sorry, but working for the IOC really isn't that cool. At this point, seeing you walking around with your ID tags just makes you look like a douchebag and someone desperate to get back that old sense of importance.

While the IOC is desperately clinging to their time in the spotlight, the Chinese government is immortalizing the Olympics through countless hours of replays on CCTV. I've now seen the US/China basketball game on TV one billion times. But possibly the coolest thing to ever come out of the Olympics is the official action cartoon featuring the five mascots of the Olympics. How awesome is it? The Friendlies can fly and shoot lasers out of their heads. From what I could gather (and I watched several of these cartoons), the show focuses on Bei Bei, the blue mascot with the weird lips. She is friends with a weird half dragon, half pig thing, and a strange dog thing that looks like a monk. They are fighting against a giant white person who looks like someone from 300. The white guy is in command of lots of ghosts who are trying to steal the Olympic flame from atop Mount Olympus. I know time travel is involved, and the other Friendlies help Bei Bei in her quest. Thats about it. Lucky for you, I decided to film some clips of the show so you could enjoy it as well. The sound quality is shitty, but I filmed it with my crappy digital camera. Enjoy!

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