Tuesday, February 10, 2009


OK so I've realized that the past few blog posts have started with me apologizing about not writing because I'm either sick or been vacationing or busy with work. Well I'm in the same boat again, but I'm declaring this the last apology I write for this site! HUZZAH! I am always going to be busy, and chances are I'm not going to have time to write here on a regular basis. Sorry. The truth is I probably don't have any readers who actually care that I haven't written in a few weeks/over a month, but if I do I'm sorry if the above statement offends you. Damn, that's technically another apology. Well whatever, I'm not apologizing for that apology.

Anyways, I hope you're happy China- you've finally gone ahead and gotten somebody killed with all your fucking fireworks! That's right, after weeks and weeks of listening to those damn, non-stop explosions I've finally had enough. I've snapped, and I am so glad that last night was the official end to Chunjie (the Spring Festival). Now don't get me wrong, the eve before Chunjie was one of the very coolest things I've ever witnessed and I would go as far as to say everyone should experience that once before they die. But when the fireworks continue non-stop for weeks after, it loses its appeal. I mean, if we were setting off 4th of July fireworks for weeks after the actual holiday, wouldn't you get a little tired of it? And its not like they're lighting fireworks only at night- these things are going off at 7 am right outside my window. There was this one old man who absolutely loved to wake up before the sun rose and start setting those things off. Well fuck you old man, not everyone loves the spring festival as much as you!

Anyways, as I said before, the fireworks finally claimed a casualty last night as a massive 40-story hotel in the process of being constructed went up in flames. Here's a link to the article on CNN, but the long and short of it is fireworks caught construction materials on fire and the thing went up in flames. One firefighter died and seven were wounded. Maybe if you had just stopped shooting those things after a few days, this wouldn't have happened. The good news is as of midnight last night it is now illegal to light fireworks in Beijing! Hurray, I can actually sleep in past 7 now!

I'll leave this posting with a video I took from a friend's rooftop during the eve of Chunjie- watch the whole thing through cause it really is cool. Enjoy!

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