So based on further research conducted by my friend Evan, Niu Fen was invented by Li Bin - vendor No. 156 at the Ditan Park Temple Fair- who got the idea for the toy last October from watching a popular TV show called Struggle (奋斗/Fen Dou). Apparently Li Bin first thought of calling his invention Bull Market/Shit (牛市/屎Niu Shi), but after discussing it with his brother, they decided to use the more evocative Niu Fen. I haven't seen the show Struggle yet, but if the show inspires poop then I'm assuming constipation is involved. Get it, struggle? Eh, eh? Seriously though, how the hell did this poop product become a big hit? What does it mean? I don't have an answer for you but if I hear anything new I'll post on it, cause I love discussing poop. Anyways, the product has quickly become one of the most popular items at temple fairs around the capital. I even saw it as part of a McDonald's Happy Meal! I don't know of kid who wouldn't be excited to find plastic poop next to his Nuggets... So if you happen to be wandering the streets of Beijing and you see someone carrying something that looks like poop, now you know that's exactly what it is!

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