OK so the main highlight of the first part of the day was playing Apple Bobbing with the kids. I can tell you right now, it was not a very sanitary game. The fact alone that we filled the buckets with unfiltered Beijing tap water was probably bad enough, but after 20+ kids tried to get the apples and all spit the water back up, that bucket got pretty nasty. But the bucket wasn't the only thing that got nasty- there were some rather intense matches between the children that would often end in violence! Don't believe me? Being the good teacher I am, instead of breaking up one of the fights I decided to film it instead! Some would argue this makes me a bad teacher... and to that I would probably answer touche! Now everyone can enjoy the epic Apple Bobbing battle below!
The third part of the day was an odd one. I was told to dress as an old man and limp around the campus grounds, handing candy out to everyone who approached me. I guess I did a little too good a job, as I made several children cry, and it was mainly parents getting the candy for their cowering kids. Estee, on the other hand, was asked to dress up as Snow White with a mask on, as to conceal her true identity. This whole thing didn't make much sense, but the kids had a long of fun (minus the ones that encountered me)! Estee was placed on a balcony, where she waved like the queen of England and threw candy down to the kids below. Here's a video of that madness:
Alrighty that's all I've got in me for posting today. I can't wait to go to school tomorrow and show the kids just how sick I am...